Rainy Days are a great time to pamper ourselves. With our busy lives and schedules we often neglect ourselves and our poor bodies pay the price; with depleted immune response. In other words; we get sick. We get sinus trouble, tummy trouble, allergies, colds. We end up in bed not to rest, but to take care. What to do? A rainy day cure..
Ingredients for the Rainy Day Cure
Avocado Mask
One ripe avocado
Natural Honey
1 egg yolk ( save the white for another mask)
olive oil
Mash avocado until smooth, and add about 1 Tbsp honey, the yolk and about 2 Tbs olive oil. Mix together until smooth and set aside until ready. May be refrigerated until ready to use.
Body Brush
Bath Soak
2 lbs baking soda
1 lb sea salt
1 cup Epsom salts
lavender essential oil
rosemary oil
Mix all together in tub, there is no need for pre mixing.
Your favorite unscented natural body butter. Rose oil..You can make your own by using 2oz. carrier oil (such as almond oil and rose essence a few drops is all that is needed. Mix your butter and oil together in a plastic container. Set aside until completed bath.
One Luxor bath sheet. They are pricey, but you will need only one Use only for those special bath occasions.
A cup of your favorite tea..I like Peppermint or Chamomile for this occasion.
Some candles
Soft soothing music
A ready made luxury bed,( It need not be elaborate but make it as comfy and luxurious as possible.
Your are now ready..Place candles near by; but place them with care. Start your bath water and add the bath ingredients. While your bath is filling, dry rub your thighs, arms, buttocks with the brush to help release toxins from the body. Apply the mask ( the steam from the bath will help open your pores.)
Put your body butter, and towel near by, along with your tea..A little stool is nice to use so you will have everything handy. Now climb in and soak for twenty minutes, sip your tea, close your eyes and relax. Before getting out of the tub rinse your face with warm water. ( it will go down the drain with the rest) Carefully step out of the tub pat your face dry and wrap your body in the towel pat dry. Apply the body butter.. and any rich moisture cream to your face. Now retire to your darkened room and climb in bed, relax for at least a half hour..you may take a nap but set an alarm if you are afraid you may fall asleep. More then a twenty minute snooze will leave you feeling sluggish.
Now you are pampered and relaxed. Spend the rest of the day thinking about know one but you. Curl up with a good movie or a good book, indulge in some dark chocolate and enjoy( NO GUILT NOW) you are worth it.
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